4K, DCP, 19min.

A short essay film on my practices of inhabiting a new territory.
To inhabit a place you must ask permission from its inhabitants. There are ancestral and non-human beings that inhabit the territories since time immemorial. How to ask permission? how to connect with them? what are the ways to learn how to relate to them?
From ritual practices that have ancestral roots in the knowledge of indigenous communities in Colombia, I establish dialogues with the territory of Vienna and its surroundings. I present these daily practices in cycles of four moons, in which I sow my intentions and ask permission to the ancestral beings of this territory, I make a payment to thank the elements/beings that sustain my life and I weave a relationship with these vital spaces. This is the dialogue I establish with the territory, the mountains, the water sources, the trees, the animals, the wind. First with them.

Directed by Susana Ojeda

Produced by estudio elgozo

Written by Susana Ojeda

Camera and Visual Effects Hubert Marz

Sound Design Hannes Peyer

Editing by Susana Ojeda

Funded by Stadt Wien Kultur (MA7)

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