4K, DCP, 16min.
Aedes and Anopheles are species of Moskitos that carry viruses like Yellow fever, Chikunguya, Dengue and Zika, and parasites that cause diseases such as Malaria, mainly affecting humans in tropical areas. Even though yellow fever was one of the first viruses to be discovered, there is still no vaccination available, and one can wonder why.
Shot at the Anthropogical museum of Vienna (Welt Museum), the Viennese Amusement Park (Prater) and the University of Economics, (Wirtschafts Uni), Moskitos depicts the ruins of European colonial civilisatory ambitions. A portal to a world and a future without us, in which other species flourish and the earth reclaims her territory.
A visual manifesto of an archaeology of a Capitalist Civilisation that failed.
Moskitos though, survived!
Text by Amanda Piña, Artist + Curator
Written and directed by Susana Ojeda
Produced by estudioelgozo
Camera Hubert Marz
Sound Bassano Bonelli
Animation Hubert Marz
Sound Design Hannes Peyer
Edited by Susana Ojeda and Hubert Marz
Moskitos was developed by estudio elgozo and funded by Stadt Wien Kultur (MA7)